Eye Firming Gel 1 oz

Eye Firming Gel 1 oz


Product Information

Turgor, resilience, smoothing right now. A light unobtrusive eye firming serum that leaves no tack or typical old school formula sticky residues.

Repeat application for extra firming.

Excellent for all skin types.

Key Benefits

Skin smoothing

Well tolerated

Firming action

Outstanding after-feel

Noticeable, visible improvement

Targeted Skin Type

Eye area slack is taken up with EYE FIRMING SERUM.

Skincare Concerns

Sodium hyaluronate can be over-used and create skin vulnerabilities. This is not mentioned usually in personal care and can lead to confusion as to what is causing difficulties.

About 30% of consumers experience skin sensitivity from too frequent applications of sodium hyaluronate. That might be you. We advise 3x per week use limits for best outcomes.

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